Next-Gen Leadership: Investing In Our Future

Here at Fellowship Pacific we believe effective leadership is CRITICAL to the present and the future. Valued Leadership is lived out through our family of churches when we serve our youth ministries, and Krista Penner knows we are investing in a bright future!

"The world’s going to hell in a handbasket." My grandma used to say this and sometimes, I think this statement perfectly captures my perspective after watching the 6 o'clock news.

Our social climate doesn’t always fill me with exuberant hope and heart-swelling confidence, and yet, there are next-generation leaders saying YES to Jesus despite the stigma and disdain of our culture. I see them in our churches, hear their stories, and wonder how they have managed to reach young adulthood with integrity, perseverance, and a passion to share the love of Jesus.

These fledgling leaders do not see the world through the lens of “going to hell in a handbasket” and are inviting my generation (vintage 1966) to step into the opportunity to mentor them.  I have an incredible opportunity right in front of me every time I step into my church.

Teaching Sunday School has kept me on my toes, and I am challenged by the intelligence of Grade 4-5 inquiring minds. They enjoy asking tough questions and relish any opportunity to catch me in a historical inaccuracy regarding King David or the apostle Paul. The best part of the class is the two young men who volunteer with me. They are new Christians with hearts on fire for Jesus, and I have the awesome privilege of encouraging and mentoring them in their pursuit of knowing Jesus.

Theologically speaking, no one goes to hell in a handbasket, and the world is not worse than it was 200-plus years ago when Napoleon was planning to invade Great Britain and slavery was widely accepted.  No, the world goes to hell when we fail to invest in our most valuable resource: our next generation of Christ-followers who see the potential of their world and aim to keep Christ at the center of their lives.


Boldly Forward, Never Alone: Fellowship Pacific & Sunnybrae


Boldly Forward, Never Alone: Camp Qwanoes with Central Baptist Church