Boldly Forward, Never Alone: Camp Qwanoes with Central Baptist Church

On Sunday, June 23, during our Staff Training week, our entire staff team went to Central Baptist Church in Victoria, BC to be commissioned for our summer of ministry. We brought along banners that displayed the names of every camper coming to Qwanoes this summer. We were welcomed by Pastor Scott Currie and near the beginning of the service, all 200 of us went up on the stage.

Our director, Scott Bayley, talked about all of our programs and shared our excitement to welcome all the campers coming to Qwanoes this summer. Many staff members introduced themselves, sharing a little bit about themselves and what their position is at camp this summer. A couple of staff highlighted that they had become Christians at Qwanoes when they were younger, which was very impactful to hear! We then sang a Qwanoes song, Good Life, for the entire church and all of us did special actions to go along with the song (we have actions for most Qwanoes songs).

Next we held up the banners with all the campers’ names on them for the entire church to see. We then spread out into all the aisles in the church, and we were prayed over. Since the campers’ names were on the banners, they were prayed for as well. Michael Chinchilla, our staff training speaker and a pastor at Village Church, then gave the morning message.

Following the service we were able to connect with the congregation. It was a very powerful and impactful morning! For the remainder of the day we went to Beacon Hill Park and did a variety of team-building activities with the entire staff team.

Would you join us in praying along with Camp Qwanoes?

What an incredible encouragement it is to know that you are praying for what’s going on at Qwanoes throughout this summer. Your prayers are essential to our ministry to thousands of children and youth. We appreciate it so much. Please keep us in your prayers daily as we seek to be a part of the building of God’s Kingdom in British Columbia. Prayer makes a massive difference, because we serve a mighty and powerful God.

Written by Jared Bayley
Connection & Development Coordinator, Camp Qwanoes


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Boldly Forward, Never Alone With Maaqtusiis Community Church