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Church Planting, News Joleen Alexander Church Planting, News Joleen Alexander

Boldly Forward Never Alone with our growing church plant communities

At Fellowship Pacific, we receive amazing updates of how God is working through our church plants.

We want you to have more access to these growing communities so together we can celebrate, pray, and support them as we see lives transformed for His glory. We invite you to explore our Fellowship Pacific Church Planting webpage.

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Stories, Church Planting Joleen Alexander Stories, Church Planting Joleen Alexander

Boldly Forward, Never Alone With Maaqtusiis Community Church

This past month, at least four Fellowship Pacific churches partnered with others to send Maaqtusiis and two other Band’s youth to an Aboriginal Youth Conference.

Maaqtusiis Community Church’s full-time missionaries to First Nations, Jacob and Rachel Hwang, express their deepest gratitude to those who prayed for their Youth to attend the AYC (Aboriginal Youth Conference), and they ask that you continue to pray for them.

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Church Planting Joleen Alexander Church Planting Joleen Alexander

Church Plant Spotlight: Valley Church Update

Here at Valley Church we are reaching families of children and teens through focusing on the Cowichan Valley (and the city of Duncan) being a better place to live. We believe that being a visible presence of Jesus in the Cowichan Valley will radically transform our community. Our church culture is warm and inclusive, with many coming through our doors who are new to the community, new to church, or new back to church.

Prior to our one year anniversary, we lost our meeting location and was provided for by Camp Qwanoes, who allowed us to meet there for the month of January 2024.

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Church Planting Joleen Alexander Church Planting Joleen Alexander

Church Plant Spotlight: SDBC Korean Ministry

My family moved here from South Korea four years ago. We came here with a heart to raise up the next generation to be global leaders equipped with the gospel. However, I never envisioned ministering to Koreans at South Delta Baptist Church. What has happened here is beyond my wildest dreams. It was definitely God's providence and leading. 

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Church Planting Jessica Powell Church Planting Jessica Powell

Church Plant Spotlight: Worship on Air Fellowship

The Worship On Air Hybrid Worship Ministry commenced in 2016 when I began holding regular worship services in a hybrid format, both online and offline. During this time, I was serving as an Indigenous missionary and aimed to facilitate seamless communication with mission team members who were visiting the mission field. In late 2017, one family that had previously visited a mission field, relocated to Revelstoke and shared about how challenging it was to practice their faith in an area without a Korean church.

This circumstance presented the opportunity to explore hybrid church planting to assist them.

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Church Planting, Stories Jessica Powell Church Planting, Stories Jessica Powell

Boldly Forward, Never Alone with SouthRidge Church & Valley Church

SouthRidge Fellowship was born out of a desire to introduce more people to Jesus Christ. Leaders of Cloverdale Baptist in Surrey believed that a daughter church in Langley would be the best way to accomplish this. In the fall of 1994, they invited everyone who was interested to join a church planting team. As we've grown over the years our passion to see people get to know Jesus Christ has grown and we've become a vibrant community of friends—a family of sorts—seeking and serving God together in the community of Langley.

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News, Church Planting, Stories, Ministry Highlight Jessica Powell News, Church Planting, Stories, Ministry Highlight Jessica Powell

Standing Still Gets You No Where

Standing Still Gets You No Where

Believe this truth?

I am not talking about pausing to catch one’s breath or stopping to enjoy the view or slowing to evaluate one’s direction or recalibrating from failure or resting from energy well spent. I am talking about stopping, and not moving again.

The heart of the gospel is movement. God drawing close to us. Us responding back to Him. Us moving with Him. God does not call us to stand still.

God reveals this movement—His gospel—through church planting.

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