Ep. 35 | Reaching Gen Z w/ Peter Bird & Eric Vila
Every generation grows up in a different time and a different cultural environment than the one before it, which causes it to be defined by different characteristics. And those differences can have a tendency to disrupt things and force us to ask ourselves what we care about more, engaging the next generation in a way that draws them to Jesus or sticking with the methods that have become very comfortable to us.
In this episode, Elizabeth Faulkner from our Leadership Development team had a conversation with two of our Immerse students who are heavily invested in reaching Gen Z as they lead youth ministries in their churches—Peter Bird, Youth Pastor at The Meeting Place Church in Nanaimo and Eric Vila, Youth Intern at Central Baptist Church in Victoria.
You’ll get to hear them share what they see in Gen Z, what their hopes are for this generation, and what we as the church need to do to engage them in meaningful ways.