Ep. 40 | Leadership: The good, the bad, & the ugly w/ Krista Penner, Elizabeth Faulkner, & David Horita
It’s a brand new ministry year and once again, it’s a ministry year that is beginning in the midst of a lot of the kind of change and uncertainty that makes leading well even harder than it usually is.
So to kick off this new season of the podcast, we turned to three incredible leaders who are very familiar with the challenges of leadership and who also happen to be on our very own Fellowship Pacific team!
You’ll get to hear Krista Penner, Elizabeth Faulkner, and David Horita talk about their own leadership journeys and what they’ve learned from all the highs and lows — or the “good, bad, and ugly” — of leading.
Recommended Resources:
Leadership and Self-Deception (The Arbinger Institute)
The Culture Code (Daniel Coyle)
Krista Penner
Krista Penner is the Team Lead for the Leadership Development Team at Fellowship Pacific and also manages the Immerse program.
Krista has a degree in the Humanities and over 20 years of corporate experience that she has the privilege of drawing from as she teaches board governance and leadership principles in our Fellowship Pacific churches. She has been with the Fellowship Pacific team since 2008, and although her role has expanded and changed over the years, her passion for the mission and vision of Fellowship Pacific has remained crystal clear.
Elizabeth Faulkner
Elizabeth Faulkner serves on the Leadership Development team for Fellowship Pacific.
She has a Bachelor’s degree from Northwest and 15 years experience leading a variety of teams and ministries at SouthRidge Fellowship including children, family, discipleship and interns. She is passionate about mentoring and developing leaders and teams and loves using her experience in those areas to serve our churches.
David Horita
David is the Regional Director of Fellowship Pacific.
After completing his Master of Divinity at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, he has served in both small and large churches, as well as planting a church in Surrey in 1990. During those years he also received his Doctor of Ministry degree, and worked extensively on a variety of Fellowship Pacific Boards.
Throughout the last twelve years, David has enjoyed working alongside others in the Fellowship Pacific Ministry Centre, applying much of his education and experience to developing church focused tools to help them achieve their unique vision within the Kingdom of God.