Ep. 10 | Healthy Teams w/ David Horita, Krista Penner, & Dan Cody


If you work or serve in ministry, it’s pretty much inevitable that you will be part of a team. Ministry is not solo work. And whether or not that team is a healthy one will have a significant impact on your ability to move forward in the mission God has for you.

In this episode, you get to learn from our team leaders at Fellowship Pacific: David Horita (Regional Director and Church Lifecycles Team Lead), Krista Penner (Leadership Development Team Lead), and Dan Cody (Church Management Solutions Team Lead). They discuss questions around what it looks like to have healthy team dynamics and what leaders can do to help build those in their own team and culture so they can be healthier and therefore, more effective.

Recommended Resources from Fellowship Pacific:


If you work or serve in ministry, it's pretty much inevitable that you will be part of a team. Ministry is not solo work. And whether or not that team is a healthy one will have a significant impact on your ability to move forward in the mission God has for you.

We want to hear from you!


Ep. 11 | Passing it On: So every generation grows up knowing of God’s faithfulness w/ Sid Koop & Joshua Kazakoff


Ep.09 | Just Get on the Horse: Staying ready for anything w/ Joshua Lee