Thank you, Mike!
Appreciation for Mike Mawhorter
Hello Fellowship Pacific! We want to keep you in the loop about staffing changes that are occurring at the Fellowship Ministry Centre, specifically that Dr. Mike Mawhorter has stepped down from his role on the Connect team, effective the end of 2024.
Some of you may be aware that Mike joined the team in 2019, with an expectation that he would be helping out for an interim period. Mike proved to be such a great addition to our team that his time with us ended up lasting over 5 years. He is a consummate professional, and brought many years of pastoral experience to our Ministry Centre Staff. He loves our churches, our leaders, our vision, and has an ongoing love affair with theology. He helped us in the areas of Pastoral Search Teams, Pastoral Care, Immerse Mentoring, Discipleship training, Spiritual Formation development, Board training, and others.
More than anything else, we are going to miss Mike’s enthusiasm, energy, positive support, and personal interactions. At this point, Mike is taking a bit of time to see what God has next in mind for him, although we expect it will be active and unique. Since Mike is both of those things!
Let me add my personal thanks to Mike for his encouragement and larger than life laughter. He would regularly drop into my office to check up on me and pray as needed. He has been, and is, a friend that I will be seeing as often as we did while working together. Thankfully for all of us in Fellowship Pacific, he is one of those people who lives out his beliefs with both courage and compassion.
Thank you, Mike, from all of us in the Ministry Centre, the Regional Board, and the Fellowship in general.
David Horita,
Regional Director