is it time for a church consultation?

Some of us like looking in the mirror more than others.

But if you never actually look in a mirror, you can miss out on what is really going on—the good (like a great hair day) and the bad (think random green food in teeth).

What if you’re not seeing things the way they really are in your church?

Fellowship Pacific Consultations are one of the best ways to take a good honest look at your church’s effectiveness in partnering with God on His mission.

A Fellowship Pacific Consultation is a direct approach to consulting that starts with the assumption that God has a clear mission for every church that focuses on the Great Commission and Great Commandment. They include a serious and in-depth review of your church history, documents, and statistics as well as a survey of all church attenders and extensive interviews with staff and leaders. You’ll also get training in specific areas that are relevant to where you are as a church. And at the end of the process, an 8-10 page written report will be given to the entire church highlighting the current strengths of your church and giving prescriptive suggestions of ways you can move forward.

This process is certainly not what we would call easy! At first it might even sound a bit invasive or disruptive. But we believe that God is most honoured when the local church proactively builds Christ’s Kingdom in their own community and beyond and it’s ok to need some help along the way to do that. In fact, our tagline as a family of churches in Fellowship Pacific is “Boldly Forward. Never Alone.”  It is certainly brave and vulnerable to look in the mirror some days and it is definitely a bold move to seek help along the way.

Still wondering if a consultation is what your church needs?

Let us know and we can get you in touch with a church that has done one before so you can hear their story about how a consultation can help.

Slots available this Spring and Fall!


immerse and YOUR church!


Church Plant Spotlight: Harbour Community Church