We get it. Like really get it. Being a youth pastor is hard.
And if we are honest, it might be harder now than it ever has been.
Our students are being formed by a world that is pushing God out of the centre, and further and further to the margins. A world that is upping their hostility towards all things Christian, re-ordering their values, muddying their identities …… and in all of that messy, murky complexity, our old playbooks for youth ministry are just that - old. Sticking less and less, working less and less, helping less and less. That’s why we’re doing this. We’re doing this because we think it could actually change the climate of youth ministry in Canada. Let’s be more specific - your youth ministry in Canada. Your youth ministry in ______. We think if you join us for this Summit, the Lord might do a few things.
He might reignite the why behind all of what you do.
He might deepen your calling to this next generation.
He might give you creative responses to burning issues.
He might refresh you at your core.
And He will show you that you are very, very far from alone in your fight for this generation.
And maybe, just maybe, we’ll leave the room together with a bit more of a playbook, a lot more hope, and a few more ideas for how to see our students love & serve the Lord with all they have. Because really, if we don’t, who will?
So, join us for the Canadian Youth Pastors Summit and be a part of changing the climate of youth ministry in Canada.
Super Early Bird (Ends June 30) – $179
Early Bird (Ends August 31) – $199
Regular – $249